Tasting room Baron de Joursanvault
Authentic and Modern
The tasting room Baron de Joursanvault, between authenticity and modernity
This tasting room Baron de Joursanvault was named after Jean-Baptiste Ganiare (1748-1792) who lived here. He was an artist, musician, historian, collector and patron. He supported several artists, sculptors, painters, for example Prud’hon, exhibited at Musée du Louvre in Paris.When you enter in this tasting room, you immediately look at the tasting table, right in the middle of the room. It’s a white square table, which can accommodate 9 people and was created by Label Ouvrage. It’s equipped with illuminated zones for observing and comparing the colour of the different wines you will taste.
Front of you, there are visual supports on a plasma screen during your class: maps, aromas, tasting description…
If you look around you, you realize this place has a lot of character.
You are walking on a “point de Hongrie parquet”, which means this room was important. In the past, this type of parquet was only used for the most beautiful rooms, often reception rooms. There is a woodwork all around the wall and you can appreciate the traditional fireplace.
The ceiling is 4 meters high, with moldings all around and a rosace in its center. In the past, there was a traditional chandelier with candles suspended.
On the wall, you will discover paintings created by a local artist Ricol. The actual chandelier was designed by Label Ouvrage using metal circles of barrels.